About Pallas™

PALLAS™ by LASEROPTEK is the world’s first and remains the only solid-state 311nm Ti:Sapphire UVB laser available on the market. Proprietary technologies developed by LASEROPTEK work in synergy, enabling safe, quick, and effective treatment of complex inflammatory skin conditions such as vitiligo, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, and leukoderma.

PALLAS Laser Therapy is targeted, meaning that high energy UVB laser light is directed specifically to affected skin, leaving healthy skin untouched. Other UV light therapies such as light booths and lamp-based systems are broad-based, unnecessarily exposing wide areas of healthy skin to ultraviolet light. PALLAS’s clinically tested 311nm wavelength UVB laser light penetrates deeper into affected skin, creating less erythema (reddened skin) when compared to the more common 308nm wavelength. PALLAS Laser Therapy delivers long-lasting results over a series of short, comfortable treatments.

For medical providers, the PALLAS’s solid-state design facilitates low ownership and operating costs, and is the only code-compliant phototherapy laser available today that is not part of a fee-per-use model. The ownership model ensures a growing return on investment over the life of the laser, allowing you to keep more of what you earn.

PALLAS Laser Therapy is a powerful tool empowering physicians to create the best outcomes for patients with inflammatory skin conditions. PALLAS provides a safe and comfortable treatment that patients can trust, with transformative outcomes that help them feel beautiful in their own skin again.

To learn more about PALLAS by LASEROPTEK, click here.


LASEROPTEK is Established


Introduced PALLAS, the world’s first solid-state UV laser


Received US FDA-clearance, European CE mark for PALLAS


Awarded for Korea’s Top Technology 2019


Recognized as Small Giant Company of Korea

“We believe the 311nm wavelength can penetrate deeper and more safely so there’s less discomfort and risk of side-effects for patients. We’ve seen very good clearance, even with difficult, unresponsive lesions previously treated with 308nm excimer laser. We’ve easily switched our patients over to the PALLAS Laser. Being a solid-state laser with no consumables, or break downs makes it a very appealing and cost-effective option for a busy dermatology practice.”

Steven Shapiro, MD, FAAD, Gardens Dermatology